2023 Turkey Ride
/On Nov 11 Maine Sport once again held their annual Turkey Ride to bring turkeys to the Camden Area Christian Food Pantry via bicycle riders. Riders of all ages left Maine Sport, rode to Camden Hannaford to pick up their turkeys and then arrived en masse at the pantry. Approximately 26 riders participated, some contributing more than one turkey. It is always a wonderful spectacle to behold.
We had 40 families sign up for a turkey. So to ensure we had enough turkeys for our families, Maine Sport donated the balance needed as well as some Thanksgiving trimmings such as stuffing and cranberry sauce.
There also were monetary donations that will be used to buy additional turkey breasts or small chickens for families or single people that did not sign up.
As part of our Turkey Ride effort, food pantry volunteers have been creating some bags of Thanksgiving extras that were also donated by members of our five founding churches. We will pass these out as supplies last.
Many thanks go out to everyone (including Camden Hannaford that continues to support this event) who contributed to the effort of making Thanksgiving a bountiful occasion for our families.
The CACFP Board members