MSAD #28 Middle School Food Drive

The Camden Area Christian Food Pantry was very fortunate to receive a bountiful donation of nonperishable foods as the result of the school's annual Spirit Week food drive challenge. This year's effort netted the largest amount of food that they have ever received according to Gretchen Kuhn, CRMS school nurse, who organized the event. A total of 1052 items were donated, with the 8th grade bringing in the highest count of the four participating grade levels--- 378 items. Food pantry Board member, Debra Milliken, and her husband Dennis picked up the food filling the back of their truck to almost overflowing capacity. Once brought to the Pantry, volunteers Chipper and Okie O'Connell had the tremendous task of date checking and shelving all the items.

Many, many thanks to them for a mammoth job well done. CACFP Board members are very appreciative of the students and their parents for their generous support and to CRMS for continuing to promote this yearly challenge. All this food will go a long way towards helping to feed the families of our local communities.

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In photo below (left to right): Gretchen Kuhn (school nurse), Debra Milliken (board member), Dennis Milliken (volunteer) and Matt Smith (assistant principal). Missing from the photo is Ellen Curtis (woman behind the camera) who also helped load the truck.

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