/Generosity happens at the Camden Area Christian Food Pantry all year round, but abounds this time of year as people show thankfulness by sharing their bounty with others. In the last few weeks the pantry has gratefully received donations from several food drives.
The first to occur was Boy Scout Pack 200's annual food drive. The troop walked to local homes attaching flyer tags to doorknobs and then went back to those homes the following week to pick up the food. It is great to see the young learn the importance of giving!
Our highschoolers have also been busy. The student council at CHRHS held a food drive which was then followed by donations given at the door of their Winter Concert event.
A fourth food drive was held by Quarry Hill.
We appreciate the generosity of all these groups.
In addition to the food drives our shelves were further stocked by donations from individuals bringing nonperishables and end-of-season produce from their gardens. People came to our doors with food in hand and others dropped off food in our bin in front of the pantry doors. If dropping off food, it is safest to do so close to our open hours so food will not spoil. We are open on Tues 8-11:00 am and Thurs 4-6:00 pm.
We thank the generous members of our community for sharing with those who are less fortunate.