need food?
we can help!
All in Need Are Welcome
Camden Area Christian Food Pantry serves the communities of Appleton, Camden, Hope, Islesboro, Lincolnville, Rockport, Searsmont, Union, Washington - and others in need.
Food request for March
canned soup, canned mandarin oranges, spinach, and beets
Donations can be placed in the bin near the front door of the pantry
or brought in during operating hours. We are grateful for these donations.
Tues 8:00 - 11:00 am
Thurs 4:00 - 6:00 pm
All are Welcome
We are here to help you
If you or someone you know could use help making the weekly food budget work more smoothly, please visit us.
128 Mount Battie Street
Camden, Maine
Our funding is provided by individuals, businesses, civic organizations, schools, and churches.
Donations of any size gratefully accepted.
Some of the most generous organizations supporting our efforts are:
Camden Area Senior Assistance
and others who wish to
remain anonymous.